- English Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Social Studies
- Social Emotional Learning
- Visual and Performing Arts
English Language Arts
An innovative, comprehensive Reading/Language Arts program built to address key shifts in curriculum and instruction to meet the rigor and expectations of the new standards. Integrated reading, writing, speaking, and listening instruction is delivered in print and digital formats to implement a reading collaborative, balanced approach, and workshop model.
Raz-Plus is a comprehensive blended learning platform that includes the curricular support teachers need and the personalized resources necessary to improve students' reading skills. With more than 50,000 resources that include more than 3,000 leveled books and readers available in multiple formats, Raz-Plus makes it easier than ever before to strengthen the connection between what is being taught and what students are practicing. https://www.raz-plus.
Epic! is the world’s leading online children’s subscription book service offering immediate, on-demand access to over 35,000 high quality illustrated books and chapter books for children ages 12 and under. Epic!’s ever-expanding library also includes thousands of Read-to-Me books, Audiobooks, educational videos, and fun educational quizzes. In addition to being free during school, students can get 2 free hours of reading per week after hours with Epic Free.
i-Ready Mathematics is a program that provides students of all ages with differentiated instruction and supports them on their individual paths to success. Backed by cutting-edge research on best mathematics learning practices, students gain experience through concrete examples and engaging lessons. Its responsive instruction provides consistent insight into student understanding and performance, enabling teachers to monitor their students’ progress and help them prepare for standards-based assessments and beyond.
Social Studies
My Big World prepares early learners for success in kindergarten and beyond. Throughout the year, it covers the most-taught preschool topics and helps build the knowledge and skills students need most.
Let’s Find Out is a weekly nonfiction print and digital magazine for kindergarten classrooms. We use the most-taught science, social studies, health, and safety topics to create a multimedia curriculum. We focus on building content knowledge, vocabulary, and early reading skills like concepts of print, phonics, and sight-word recognition. Our young readers see themselves in Let’s Find Out’s pages because the magazine reflects the rich diversity of today’s classrooms.
Scholastic News is built on a firm foundation of skills that reinforces our curriculum and supports state standards. Throughout the year, students will develop cross-curricular knowledge as well as core reading and writing skills. Every issue of Scholastic News includes correlations to Common Core, NGSS, TEKS, and California state standards.
Social Emotional Learning
The Mutt-i-grees Curriculum - Calm, Confident and Caring Kids!
Guided by the research on resiliency, social and emotional learning, and human-animal interaction, the Mutt-i-grees Curriculum includes lesson plans and strategies to actively engage students and promote social and emotional competence, academic achievement, and awareness of the needs of shelter pets, also known as Mutt-i-grees.
In a series of easily implemented lessons organized around five themes that reflect key principles of social and emotional learning and resiliency, students learn critical skills that support self- and social awareness, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork. Lessons have a dual focus on children and animals; each lesson plan includes objectives and activities that feature principles in child development and humane education.
Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing Arts (non-core):
FPC’s visual and performing arts program is based on a sequential introduction of the California State Content Standards for the Visual and Performing Arts:
1.0 Artistic Perception
2.0 Creative Expression
3.0 Historical and Cultural Context
4.0 Aesthetic Valuing
5.0 Connections, Relationships, Applications
The visual arts are integrated with all other curricular and content areas in all grades.
• English language development is a focal point as students are given the opportunity to discuss their shared art experiences with each other.
• Elements of art can be observed in every day instructional activities.
• Age-appropriate projects, which incorporate correct use of materials, introduction of various art techniques and media, are explored extensively at these grade levels.
• All students participate in at least one performance for parents, which incorporates visual and/or performing arts.
The key disciplines of visual arts and music are addressed through weekly instruction provided by a part-time visual arts teacher and music teacher. Lessons focus on the Common Core State Standards and are sequenced to correlate with language arts, history/social science, and science units.